Virtual Answering Services
Your Cheat Sheet Guide To Hiring One For Your Company
- what are they?
- what do they do?
- how much do they cost
- what questions to ask when hiring a virtual answering service

This Cheat Sheet Was Written To Help

The Business Owner

The Marketer

The Office Manager

The Soloprenuer
One client, Hampton Electrical, approached me needing help fielding all of the incoming calls that they were now getting.
After doing extensive research on different types of answering services, virtual office assistants, and virtual receptionist, I realized there was a lot of information needed to make a good decision on who to pick, but no one place to find it all.
Especially not from someone that doesn’t have a reason to sell you their services.
Why not package up all of that information together and share it with the local businesses, home service companies, and dentists that I work with?
The information provided, questions I’ve asked, and research I’ve done, was all simply to help a client of mine – If you pick one of the five companies I’ve outlined in the cheat sheet, or simply take the guided questionnaire and go off and interview your own options, so long as you find a good company – we all win.
I completed a demo and sales call with five different companies. You’ll see each company outlined in the cheat sheet. What do they do, how do they charge, and what would a typical engagement cost you.
Save yourself from the full day of research I put in uncovering how virtual answering services work. You’ll get instant access to all of the information.
Your worksheet of questions to asks includes 21 questions you’ll want to ask on your demo and sales calls. From how much they charge to what services they offer – we’ll cover it all.
We’ve done the sales calls and demos for you. You won’t need to call in to the various companies to see what they offer – it’s all right here.

Who Did Dan Pick?
I put together the information to help one of my great clients, Dan Hampton of Hampton Electrical.
After going over all of the information and reviewing the five companies – Dan picked one to use for his Electrical Services company.
You’ll find out which one he picked.
Best of all for Dan, he didn’t have to interview any of them or go through any demos – after reviewing the information, he was able to pick the company that could best help him out.
About the Author: Jon Stroz
After spending 18 years on the client side and agency side of digital marketing, Jon started Southernmost Digital on the shores of a sunny beach in Key West.
Southernmost Digital helps home services businesses, dentists, and local companies improve their online visibility, generate leads, and visualize a positive return on their marketing investment.
Though he resides in the Mid-Atlantic now, he ventures back south quite frequently – it’s not that unusual to hear a rooster in the background of his client calls.

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