Your Ultimate Guide to The Google My Business Website Builder

The Google My Website builder is another tool offered by Google to help improve your visibility in local searches. It’s free and takes just five minutes to set-up once you have your Google My Business profile filled out – so why not set one up?
5 Secrets to Optimizing Your Google My Business Page

You run a small, local business, and you’ve created a Google My Business account – now what? You may have heard that having this sort of account is one of the keys to improving your Local SEO, but what does that mean? And more importantly, what are you supposed to do with a Google My […]
The Latest Skinny on Local SEO from SMX:West

PPC and SEO professionals descended upon San Jose this week for the annual SMX:West event. One of the hot topics was Local SEO and new ways that companies can improve their performance. Local SEO is extremely important for businesses that depend on people within their community interacting with them, shopping in their stores, inviting them […]
Set-up a Google My Business Page

Setting up a Google My Business Account will help showcase your business on Search Results Pages, making you stand out to your customers and provide them accurate information about your company.