25 Responses You Can Use for Negative Reviews

Online reviews, like I’ve mentioned before in a few other blogs and social media posts, are the lifeblood of your company’s customer relationships… so what’s the best way to respond to an unhappy customer who leaves a negative review of your business? Much like with positive reviews, a unique and timely review response shows that […]
How to Remove Reviews from Google

Google recently announced that you can submit spam and fake reviews to be removed from your business’s profile.
This means that you can flag a review as inappropriate and Google will delete it – but only if the review violates Google’s policies.
25 Positive Review Responses You Can Use

Giving a unique review response to each and every positive, negative and neutral review you receive online is extremely important.
It shows your customers that you care about their feedback and are constantly striving to better the products and services you provide.
How Displaying Google Review Attributes Can Help Your Business

Google attributes are adjectives that customers can apply to their review of your business. In this post, we’ll go over why online reviews are important, how Google attributes work, and why you should definitely display them on your website. Quick Reminder: Why Reviews Are Important I often say that online reviews are the lifeblood of […]
The Latest Skinny on Local SEO from SMX:West

PPC and SEO professionals descended upon San Jose this week for the annual SMX:West event. One of the hot topics was Local SEO and new ways that companies can improve their performance. Local SEO is extremely important for businesses that depend on people within their community interacting with them, shopping in their stores, inviting them […]
How to Get More Reviews on Google & Facebook

Online reviews are worth their weight in gold for your company. Not only do they provide social validation for your services, but they are loved by search engines. Improving the amount of 5-star reviews on Google, Bing, Facebook, and other third-party review sites will help your business grow. Sadly though, obtaining reviews is one of […]