Studies conclude that most small business owners are unhappy with the return on investment with Facebook ads. They have fewer resources to work with than their larger competitors, and with limited cash flow, they cannot afford to waste marketing dollars.
Here’s a quick rundown for how to make the most of your Facebook ads while running your business.

Why Facebook Advertising?
Digital advertising is a must. It provides unparalleled value and access to very specific demographics. The United States had 244 million active users, as of 2018. Facebook brought in a total of $55 billion in ad revenues last year. The big money invests in Facebook advertising because they know how effective it is. As a small business owner, you have to do what entrepreneurs do best: adapt.
Ceasing your Facebook advertising efforts because you are failing is the worst thing you can do. Harness your inner-entrepreneur, and let’s make this work.
Here are a few tips to improve your return on investment:
1. Advertise Locally

Facebook allows you to specify who you are advertising to based on many specific categories. As a home service professional, you will want to make sure you are advertising within your radius of operation.
2. Focus Your Demographics
To fix someone’s house, you must find the people that own them. Facebook does not have a way to specifically target homeowners with your advertising, but there is a creative way around this.
Look for people with interests in “DIY” or “home appliances.” Options under “Interests” include “interior design.” “Hobbies” has a “home and garden” option you can select. Advertise based on favorite television shows, such as Fixer Upper, Property Brothers, or any HGTV shows which center on home renovations or interior design.
3. Keep Your Business Page Active
Once you have specified your target audience, make sure your business’ Facebook page is active. If your Facebook page is a ghost-town, consumers will no longer see you as credible. Ensure your page is active with posts and interactions from consumers. Respond to reviews, both positive and negative. You are advertising on Facebook, so make sure you have a presence.
4. Share High-Quality Content
As mentioned, Facebook recorded $55 billion in advertising revenue last year. There is a lot of money, time and research invested in Facebook marketing efforts. When your ads pop up in your prospects’ news feeds, you need top-notch quality to catch their eyes.

This is where you need to get in touch with a professional from Southernmost Digital to assist you with a high-quality marketing plan, ensuring the best return on your Facebook ad investment.
Small business owners have experience in the field they begin their entrepreneurial endeavor in. If you are an expert at installing equipment, then you likely are not an expert in marketing. Using your free time to research tips to help grow your business is a great way to get started, but most find it unsustainable as they continue to grow.
If you find yourself needing an expert pair of marketing hands, we’re just one call away.