Texting Can Improve Customer Communication

Nowadays, with the presence of smartphones, communication with anyone in this world is easier than ever before. When it comes to reaching your customers, texting them could be the best option that you have. Gone are the days of playing phone tag and constantly missing each other. Now, you can benefit from texting your customers […]
25 Responses You Can Use for Negative Reviews

Online reviews, like I’ve mentioned before in a few other blogs and social media posts, are the lifeblood of your company’s customer relationships… so what’s the best way to respond to an unhappy customer who leaves a negative review of your business? Much like with positive reviews, a unique and timely review response shows that […]
Google Ads Introduces Monthly Budgets

I plan on using this new feature as a safety net to make sure my client’s ad spend doesn’t go crazy over budget each month – but I’ll continue using daily budgets to control our ad spend.
Facebook Ads for Home Service Pros

Studies conclude that most small business owners are unhappy with the return on investment with Facebook ads. They have fewer resources to work with than their larger competitors, and with limited cash flow, they cannot afford to waste marketing dollars. Here’s a quick rundown for how to make the most of your Facebook ads while […]
Top 9 Digital Marketing Ideas for Dentists

“Digital Marketing” sounds like the sort of thing you might use to sell physical products like toothpaste, but it’s also an important strategy to have for your dental practice – “Digital Dental Marketing,” if you will. Online ads, appointment reminders, and reviews can all give your office a leg up over your local competitors while […]
25 Positive Review Responses You Can Use

Giving a unique review response to each and every positive, negative and neutral review you receive online is extremely important.
It shows your customers that you care about their feedback and are constantly striving to better the products and services you provide.
How Displaying Google Review Attributes Can Help Your Business

Google attributes are adjectives that customers can apply to their review of your business. In this post, we’ll go over why online reviews are important, how Google attributes work, and why you should definitely display them on your website. Quick Reminder: Why Reviews Are Important I often say that online reviews are the lifeblood of […]
What Our Clients Find Useful About HubSpot

We’ve helped clients to create lead generation forms, build compelling, high-quality marketing emails, generate engaging social media and blog content, and understand and interpret the analytics behind it all.
CompanyCam: A Review of the Before & After App for Home Service Pros

Before and after photos are valuable, but they get lost in your camera roll pretty easily. What if there was a way to organize them better?
6 Home Service Digital Marketing Must-Haves

From a digital marketing standpoint, here are six must haves for our clients in the home services space.